Best Budapest Tour Guides

Referenciák, tanúságtételek

Best Budapest Tour Guides, Private guides in Hungary

Reviews in English

Absolute fabulous tour at the Danube Bend. Guide was incredibly
knowledgeable – a real gem!” (Conraed De Jager, South Africa)

The best tour guide in Budapest!! The whole Gioscia Family,
Clorissa,Michael,Gaby, Amanda (US)

We had a private tour because it was winter, but learnt so much we’d never get a chance to find out otherwise, Adam was funny and so knowledgeable, more like walking around with a friend- and he helped us with what to do for the rest of our trip 🙂 great way to spend a few hours. Visited January 2017

My family and I toured Budapest last year with Christine T as our guide. We had an amazing time! Christine is a vivacious and sophisticated professional. She relays a deep knowledge of Hungarian history, culture, architecture and current events in a warm and inviting style. Christine’s energy and enthusiasm are just what a guide should embody. We travel quite regularly and unanimously rate our Budapest tour at the top of all our experiences with guides.
Robert K, New York, N.Y

Illés András
“We did the General Tour with guide Andrew of Pest and Buda. We found it to be both informative and entertaining. The 2 and a half hours flew by. A variety of information is provided as well as a map with areas of interest well marked for you to use when exploring Budapest on your own. Andrew touched on many relevant areas of interest and provided a great deal of valuable information. He was very good at his job!
While the walking tour is free of charge, tipping the guide at the end of the tour is suggested, but there is no pressure to do so. Of course most people on our tour were more than happy to give something.”
Visited October 2011

The tours ( 2 different) functioned very well. Kata B. is very good at communicating with the group and able to handle quite a big group. She is good at “reading” the group in order to see what fits the group and how things should be presented. Her advice and tips on what to check out in Budapest were highly appreciated.
She is very punctual, being at the right place on the right time.
I highly recommend Kata B for interesting tours in Budapest.

We worked with Kata B. two days. She is a very good guide with a broad knowledge about Budapest. She also has a very good grasp of how to handle a group – communicate with the group – and make sure that they learn something.
I can highly recommend her for future tours and groups.

Christine took us on our initiation tour of Budapest in her own car on Sunday afternoon which was very convenient and practical since traffic was light and we were able to cover a wide range of sights and places, every now and then stepping out of the car for a little walk. This afternoon expedition in 3 hours gave us a great overview of the city and together with the background information and tips from Christine we were able to follow up by ourselves in the next days. Ideal way to start a city trip !

Mészárosné Molnár Erna
Dear Erna
Our time in Budapest was made perfect because of you guiding us through the maze of streets to see the depth and beauty that is here. It is a dream to visit what we feel might be the roots of our families- possibly here in Hungary or if not, then close by.
It’s kind of sad for me to not know exactly where they came from in the early 1900’s. I was too young when my grandparents were alive to really press them for details and my parents really didn’t seem to care- more denial perhaps about the war etc.
Although brief, our stay was incredibly satisfying.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Hope to stay in touch
June and Michael

Gálszécsy Ramona 2016-03-30
Simply excellent! Very professional guide.

Excellent Spanish speaking guide, very knowledgeable of Budapest and flexible.
I would recommend Ramona to everyone.

Budapest Highlights 2015-11-17
“They provided a very interesting and knowledgeable tour and ensured we saw the main Art nouveau highlights of Budapest as well as giving us a thorough history and fascinating background to the City’s history.”
David and Janet from Ilkley, UK

Balázs Kata 2016-05-19
Have just returned to Guernsey after a fantastic holiday. Our holiday was made more special by the time we spent on tours with Christine Teplan our guide.This LADY is so passionate about her Country it is absolutely amazing. She kept us enthralled all the time we were in her company with information on every subject we mentioned. If any of you reading this want to be amazed by a Womans passion and knowledge of her country then do not hesitate to go on a Tour with this charming person. thank you Best Budapest Tour Guides for employing this lady. 10/10. Albie D.

Varga Ildikó 2016-01-1
Budapest private tour by car in safety also in COVID19
“Excellent tour”
Detailed, clear and ample knowledge that make me and my friends know more about this city and love Budapest more!

Marót Ádám 2015-10-14
The tour with Adam was great and I would highly recommend him and Best Budapest Tours for anyone visiting Budapest. He was informative, knowledgeable and fun to be with and it was a very enjoyable day seeing the city. Thanks for providing a great tour of a beautiful city.

Half day Budapest tour & transfer to BUD airport
Adam had a previous engagement and we had Anita instead. It was our 4th day in Budapest so we had already seen many of the sights. We did a little shopping and had lunch at the market – Our driver was super as well – maneuvering through the narrow streets in a big van.. great job. Thanks – as a travel agent, I will highly recommend your company. Leslie

Our tour guide Adam was really funny and easy to follow. I loved his stories about Budapest in general and the fact that he was always willing to answer all kinds of questions. He was also very updated and eager to learn more about his city. He was also very kind and extremely proud of his city, which made me fall even more in love with Budapest. Highly recommended! Visited January 2014

We had a private tour because it was winter, but learnt so much we’d never get a chance to find out otherwise, Adam was funny and so knowledgeable, more like walking around with a friend- and he helped us with what to do for the rest of our trip 🙂 great way to spend a few hours. Visited January 2014

Marót Ádám 2015-10-14
The tour with Adam was great and I would highly recommend him and Best Budapest Tours for anyone visiting Budapest. He was informative, knowledgeable and fun to be with and it was a very enjoyable day seeing the city. Thanks for providing a great tour of a beautiful city.

This was a really cool thing to do if you want the main attractions in an easy organized way. went to see them the next day again without the tour guide to get some pictures, easy way to remember how to get there. Adam was my guide, really cool really friendly guy! highly recommend. Visited April 2014

Igaz Eszter 2015-09-09

Esther Odry gets a ten rating from us. We were a family of six which wanted to retrace some family history. She actually went to some of the places including a cemetery to find our ancestors. She is beautiful, intelligent, energetic, flexible and communicates perfectly. We have been in 140 countries and she is on the very top of our list for guides.

Katlin the manager and head guide set up the private transportation and general itinerary. She did an excellent job. This group is really super!

Avis en Francais

Nous avons passé 2 belles journées avec Viktoria. Nous avons commencé par le quartier de Buda et de son château. Visite très intéressante et très complète. Toujours une petite anecdote historique. Nous avons passé une bonne après-midi à visiter le quartier de Pest (plus moderne). Elle nous laissait assez de temps libre pour profiter des sites et des monuments. Nous avions le temps de flâner et de prendre des photos de notre côté.
Super week-end très culturel. Merci Viktoria!

Peter est un excellent guide.Flexible et tres adaptable.
Il a rendu notre visite de Budapest extremement interessante et lui a donne toute son epaisseur.
Peter est capable de parler de Budapest et de la Hongrie dans des domaines tres varies. Il a su nourrir notre curiosite dans les directions qui nous interessaient.
Guide culturel ideal. Julien GIUGE – FRANCE

Molnárfi Katalin Zoé
“Un grand merci Katalin pour cette visite guidée de Budapest dans ses moindres recoins. C’était passionnant, précis, étonnant, beau, et toujours avec le sourire comme le rire. Tu nous as fait découvrir la ville et l’histoire de ton pays comme personne. Ca restera un souvenir inoubliable et je souhaite à un maximum de gens de pouvoir partager ça avec toi.” Michel G.

Molnár Péter
Peter a fait le bonheur de notre groupe de 8 personnes de 7 à 80 ans. Incroyable disponibilité, gentillesse, compétence. De notre arrivée à l’aéroport, à l’hébergement, au diner du jour de l’An,à l’opéra, Peter a su orchestrer notre groupe d’une façon conviviale et professionnelle
Nous avons vraiment passés des moments inoubliables. Il ne faut pas rater l’occasion de faire appel à Peter c’est la certitude d’un séjour réussi
Encore merci Pierre BOURY – FRANCE

Testimonianze in Italiano

“Cara Cristina, scusa se ti rispondo in ritardo, ma sono diversi giorni che per lavoro e impegni vari non apro la posta. Sì, è andato tutto bene: il viaggio di ritorno e soprattutto il soggiorno a Budapest: siamo stati felicissimi di quella vacanza. E’ andato tutto veramente bene: dall’ostello, alla città e soprattutto vista con te e le tue esaurienti e interessanti informazioni. Ci siamo trovati proprio bene, Cristina e per questo te ne siamo molto grati. Posso dirlo a nome di tutti. Spero che il tuo lavoro possa essere sempre più proficuo, perchè te le meriti prorio. Ti invio, in allegato, qualche foto del nostro soggiorno a Budapest dove ci sei anche tu. Ti auguro tanta felicità per il tuo avvenire! Salutoni Milena &C.”

Insieme a mia moglie ed ad altre tre coppie di amici ho vissuto una lunga e piacevole vacanza in Ungheria visitando Budapest e il Tokaj, arrivando sino a Sárospatak.
Durante la permanenza, il gruppo è stato costantemente assistito dalla signora Teplán Krisztina, la quale ha dimostrato grande efficienza, correttezza, puntualità e disponibilità nel guidarci alla scoperta delle bellezze naturali e architettoniche di quel bel Paese.
La perfetta conoscenza della lingua italiana e la sua ampia cultura storica e artistica hanno reso il nostro viaggio particolarmente piacevole e fruttuoso.
La signorilità dei suoi comportamenti, insieme alla capacità di risolvere ogni pur piccolo contrattempo, oltre alle qualità professionali sopra indicate, l’hanno resa una collaboratrice preziosa e decisiva per la riuscita del nostro viaggio.
Napoli, 30 aprile 2014, Prof. Avv. Biagio G.

Rezensionen auf Deutsch

Kleyer Éva
Liebe Eva, nochmals herzlichen Dank für deine mitreissenden und informativen Touren aber leider finde ich auf der Homepage nicht die Möglichkeit dass mit der Welt zu teilen.
ALLE waren sehr, sehr zufrieden darum möchte ich auch unbedingt einen positiven Kommentar auf die Homepage schreiben. Wir sind inzwischen wieder gut zuhause angekommen.
Liebe Grüße aus Wels, Monika+ ;-))

Budapest walking tour in safety also in COVID19
” Mit dem hatten wir ein Riesenglück. Gutes Deutsch, flexibel, kenntnisreich nicht nur über Budapest, sondern auch über Deutschland wußte er viel und konnte Vergleiche anstellen. Bei unserer nächsten Gruppenreise werden wir uns wieder um ein solches Angebot bemühen. “
Hans-Werner, Padeborn, Germany

Kleyer Éva
Die Geheimnisse des jüdischen Viertels 2015-11-01
ine sehr kompetente Reiseleiterin / EVA!
Meine Mutter, mein Partner und ich sind 4 Tage in Budapest gewesen. Wir haben die Touren von Frau Eva gewaehlt, da sie in der deutschen Sprach stattfinden.
Eva K. ist sehr kompetent gewesen. Sie kennt die Stadt wie kein Anderer, GEschichte, Kunst usw. Sie hat uns die interessanten Seiten des juedischen Viertels gezeigt und auch wenn es wegen der Gehschwierigkeiten meiner Begleiter, d.h. meiner Mutter und mein Partner, nicht einfach war, hat sie ihren Geduld bewahrt. Ich kann sie nur weiterempfehlen. Gruss, Yael Carmeli, aus Basel, Schweiz

Kleyer Éva 2015-11-01
Budapest – die verborgene Schätze einer Weltstadt
Meine Frau und ich haben zusammen vor 1 Woche mit unseren beiden kanadischen Freunden eine 4-tägige Budapest-Reise gebucht und sind gleich am ersten Tag über ihre Agentur mit Eva Kleyer durch die City spaziert. Eva hat hervorragendes Wissen auch über die gesamte Historie Ungarns und es hat uns allen sehr gefallen. Obwohl es Eva’s Geburtstag war nahm sie sich genügend Zeit und wir werden sie ganz sicher bei unserem nächsten Besuch wieder buchen.
Vielen Dank. Mit freundlichen Grüßen…
von den Familien Brüggerhoff und O’Brien.

Guten Tag,

Eva ist eine ausgezeichnete Reiseführerin, die die Stadt sehr gut kennt. Sie führte uns durch die Sehenswuerdigkeiten und hatte viel Geduld mit den Kollegen, die nicht gut laufen konnten (meine Mutter und mein Partner) Ich kann sie nur weiterempfehlen.

Best Budapest Tour Guides are offering private sightseeing tours in Budapest, Hungary
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